Richard M

I work in libraries and I love it. I remember the first event I ever ran in the library. I put on a café music night. Kids could come have hot drinks and biscuits, we had like 130 kids in there chilling and listening to music. People would ask if they could jam who weren’t part of the program, and I’d say yup, go for it man! I stood at the back and looked at the room and thought, wow this is cool, I can do this in a library!

It’s a career I never intentionally sought. I was going to stay here for two or three years and then move on, but 10 years later I’m still really loving it. I wish our people knew about all the free and vast resources and knowledge on offer, instead of the stereotypes like the old lady librarians with a bun, this intimidates them. I never expected it to be so cool, but library work is different, I wish people knew! There’s no other thing like it.

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