I remember becoming a father for the first time and it was the best thing! He’s 10 now. I remember the car ride home where I drove very slowly with a big smile on my face, cos wow! I’ve got my own son! We also have an 8 year old daughter and an 18 month old baby… who was born at home. Homebirth was the best experience ever. We got the lounge ready with soft lighting, and photos for inspiration of mum’s in our family. When labour started our kids were filling up the birth pool and helping with massaging their mum throughout the evening. My parents were in the lounge with music playing and praying. It was so peaceful and loving. Mid-morning we had a baby. He was born en-caul so he didn’t realise he was born and needed some prompting once we lifted him out. We were surrounded with our nearest loved ones, and the three midwives. Our kids were there to experience it all. It was such a beautiful time! I’m so proud of my family.