I struggled with social media and facebook addiction for 5-6 years. I was consumed by my phone. It got to a point where I realised I was addicted, so I tried to find help. I found support groups and programs for other well-known addictions, but there was literally nothing for technology addictions. Here I was having self diagnosed, but now there was no help for me! For the next couple of years, I documented my anxiety around how I felt if I left my phone at home, and how many times I picked it up during the day. I wanted to solve my own problem. I was discovering that my addiction affected my world view, my relationships, and how I saw others. It messed up my emotional intelligence, and I was being governed by what I saw and read online. As I gained my freedom, I felt like I was unplugged from the matrix! Then I looked around and saw everyone was on their phones. So I created a facebook page for my siblings and my cousins to get them thinking about their own device and habits. Lots of them were babysitting their kids with YouTube – just like I used to. People started to notice and groups started to contact me. I’ve been in schools, universities, the DHB and other spaces, sharing the wisdom around device and gaming addiction. I had no intention for this to be anything so I’m so proud that I was able to set this up as a business and to be able to help and serve people with their social media and device addictions.
I guess loads of people could understand that because you aren’t the only one man…. but you’re amazing keep going……. SPREAD MORE OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE SO THAT ONE DAY PEOPLE WILL REALIZE THAT SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE…..
by the way i’m only 11, just trying to spread some kindness…..:)
So great that you’re sharing this knowledge.