Petia W

When my wife fell pregnant we were so excited. We had all of our families, people from church, and relatives from overseas in the hospital awaiting her birth. When our daughter arrived I looked at the midwife and her face told me something was wrong. They rushed our daughter to the neonatal unit. The pediatrician told us that she had Downs Syndrome. What was supposed to be a time of celebration suddenly seemed to be a tragedy. I remember going home that night and in the morning waking and wondering if it had all been just a dream. People were gutted for us and some were cruel. But our little girl flipped our world upside down. She has changed the way we look at life, how we live. Doctors told us she would have lots of challenges but she is surpassing all expectations. She is independent and strong willed. When I look at her I am so proud. She has taught us so much. My wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. What was thought by some to be a tragedy has been a beautiful blessing.

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