

“I have been playing in the Auckland Powerchair Football Club for three years now. I first heard about it through a guy called Sean Stamp who was a friend of my parents. Sean had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which is the same condition that I have. Sadly he passed away in September 2013.

When he first mentioned it to my parents I was sitting at home on the computer, moping around and not doing much with my life. When they first mentioned it to me I was hesitant to give it a go because I’d never been able to play sport before. My parents pushed me to give it a try. My first experience made me happy, I enjoyed it because for the first time in my life I was part of a team. It was almost like an escape for me from all my problems, I just ignored them and played the game. I realized that it was a sport I could play and with training I became good at it. Now we train and play at the Otara spinal unit fortnightly. A highlight for me was when I got player of the year in 2013.

I have recently been accepted to play in the Australian nationals for Powerchair Football. I’ve set up a givealittle page and my family and I are fundraising so that I can go. Unfortunately flying for me is a more complicated process than it is for most people. I will need a hoist to help me transfer from my powerchair to my seat therefore I cannot fly economy as much as I’d like to be just like everybody else. With that in mind, most things are not as simple or straightforward for me. This trip will require a lot of planning and a bit more fundraising.

My teacher Miss Maclean has asked for those of you interested will you match her $10 on the givealittle page For me this is a once in a life time opportunity. A chance to fly, play the sport I love and meet others with the same condition as me.”

A recent update to Bradleys story.
Bradley achieved his dream of flying to Australia and playing wheelchair football in 2015. He said he liked meeting the other students most. Unfortunately he passed away shortly after due to a heart attack. He was dearly loved by parents Joy and Trevor as well as all those who knew him. Bradley is sorely missed.


  • joy Jenkin says:

    That’s my boi… miss him so very much. Just like to take this opportunity to publicly thank everyone who donated to bradleys give a little page, We were so overwhelmed when we raised enough money to get over to Sydney in October, Little did we know it would be the last family holiday we would take together.. But despite him being unwell over in Sydney he managed to play a couple of games with the ozzies which was his dream, so thank you to everyone

  • Naomi Vailima says:

    I miss everyday Bradley! Its just not the same anymore.. So proud of your achievements & being like the annoying older brother that you were to me xx

  • Liz says:

    What a fantastic legacy u left Bradley! Super proud to have known u 🙂

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