

“Growing up, I have watched many people I love battle cancer. Some won, some are still suffering but many lost their fight. Cancer is a heartless beast. It constantly attacks the strong and the weak, the old and the young, females and males, choosing its prey at random. When cancer decided to steal too many of my loved ones I decided to do the one thing I could to show those dear to me my love and support. I went bald. I had been able to sit on my hair, I loved having long hair. My father went bald too, which was extremely humbling as he’s a Samoan Chief and his hair is like his crown. We organised a massive event where over 200 people attended. I split my hair into ten plaits. Each one represented a loved one who had, was or is battling cancer, and each one was cut by significant person. It was then donated to freedom wigs who make wigs for those who need them. As well as this my father and I were able to raise close to $3000 for the cancer society. Overall the experience was fulfilling and humbling as all my family and friends got behind my dad and I. Now my mum is even thinking of doing it too!

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